Selling Your Property Quickly

2017年10月3日 06:27


Selling up can be daunting, and even more so if you need to sell your property quickly. But don’t be overwhelmed – a quick sale shouldn’t be too complicated if you prepare well.

Get a reliable real estate agent on board to handle the intricacies of selling your property.

Enlisted are some helpful tips:


Price Your Property Competitively

At the top of your priority list should be the correct price of your property. It is advisable to contact a local real estate agent to get an insight of current market activity and market values.

Ideally, your real estate agent should be localized, so if your property is in Lautoka, then preferably get an agent in that city, or the West in general.

You may also contact your local valuation company to get a valuation and engineers certificate, to expedite the sale.

Remember that with the advent of interest and the availability of, buyers do their own research prior to buying. Therefore, there is now more market knowledge and so your property needs to be priced competitively to attract buyers.

Like anything new on the market, a new property listing tends to attract the most attention in the first few weeks. This is an important time to take advantage of inquiries, meet potential buyers and show off your property.

If your property still doesn’t get the sort of interest it needs to sell after a while, liaise with your agent to consider a possible price drop or whatever move is most necessary to sell your property ASAP.


Market Your Property Strategically

Real estate agents will of course have an extensive network of expertise and connections to lift your chances of a speedy sale.

In fact, it is advisable to request the agent to present their marketing plan. This is helpful if you are considering interviewing more than one agent.

Sit with them and discuss what marketing tools would be best to get your property maximum exposure, and to connect likely buyers with your property.

Also remember that interested buyers will swing by for a property inspection, so ensure it’s always ready for Open Home tours and a possible second sighting.


Prepare Your Property for Sale

This is an area Fiji home sellers need to pay more attention to because basic preparations can yield a faster sale. Similarly, people are sensitive and some details of the physical state of your property could turn them right off.


1 . Tidy Up

How many times do you see photos of homes for sale and get annoyed at all the clutter? Clothes hung in the veranda, a mountain of shoes in the doorway, cutlery left on kitchen counters, child drawings on the walls…Buyers want to visualize their version of your property so get rid of all your junk and clean up and clear out bits and pieces. Present your property as a clean, clear palette.


2 . Curb Appeal

Prospective buyers include passer-by’s, so increase your property’s curb appeal because first impressions only come once. Tidy the garden, cut the grass and trim the hedges and any unruly vines on the fence. Hurricane shutters and any old furniture, tyres and bottles left outside should be stored out of sight altogether.


3. Repairs

Little things that don’t work are annoying. Make sure taps, switches, knobs, hinges and clothes lines all function well. Before you get inspectors, double check to see if bulbs or lights need to be changed. The same applies to any holes in the walls and missing tiles- get them covered if they can’t be replaced.


4. Ambience

Create a warm, inviting and pleasant atmosphere for potential buyers to put them in a calm, peaceful mood. Fresh flora and warm lighting create a nurturing vibe. For scents, try some dried flowers, candles, air freshener or if you’re really keen – baked goods.

Even if your place hasn’t been in the best shape, put some serious effort into preparing it for inspectors. Remember, a property that is well presented is presumed to be well maintained.


Decide a Method of Sale

A competitively priced property will sell if the property is marketed thoroughly. Additionally, there’s the option of having an auction for those who need to sell up quickly. Auctions will give vendors a potential predetermined sale date.

Even in tough markets, auctions will increase your property’s exposure and visibility over a shorter period.

Discuss this possibility with your agent to see what works best for your property.



Following the sale, you’ll need to legally transfer your property title to your buyer. This can be time-consuming so consider getting your solicitor to begin with the administration of the sale through their conveyance officer.